Meet-The-Marine-Scientists Talk Series - The Human Conquest of the Earth and the Oceans

Time & Location
15 Jul 2023, 15:00 – 16:30
Swire Marine Discovery Centre – Blue Ocean Hall, A Deck, Hong Kong Maritime Museum
About the Event
Meet-The-Marine-Scientists Talk Series
Topic: The Human Conquest of the Earth and the Oceans
Featuring: Dr Daniel Pauly (speaker) & Dr Yvonne Sadovy (moderator)
In collaboration with the Swire Institute of Marine Science (SWIMS) of HKU, Swire Marine Discovery Centre (SMDC) of Hong Kong Maritime Museum is honoured to introduce the premier Meet-The-Marine-Scientists Talk Series which first features two world renowned marine biologists, Dr Daniel Pauly and Dr Yvonne Sadovy. Their insights and rich experience are the promise of an unforgettable experience for those who are passionate about marine science and conservation.
This event offers a golden opportunity to meet the two scientists in person and engage in their thought-provoking discussions about how humanity population expansion has been impacting the global environment, in particular the ocean, and how we can save our oceans.
Don’t miss this Feast of Wisdom!
Date: 15th July 2023
Start time: 15:00 (around 1-1.5 hours)
Venue: Swire Marine Discovery Centre – Blue Ocean Hall, A Deck, Hong Kong Maritime Museum
Language: English
Fee: Free of charge
Please register at: https://forms.office.com/r/rhSvguk5L9
Limited seats available on a first-come first-served basis
Inquiry: (Education team) 3713 2509 / 3713 2531
About the Talk:
Humanity has experienced three major waves of expansion that populated all continents and most island groups. The latest wave led to the transformation of technology developed for sea warfare into industrial fishing vessels which now dominate fisheries globally. Humanity’s job is now to find ways to stop expanding and fix the damage to ocean diversity.
About the Speakers:
Dr Daniel PAULY (Speaker)
Born in France and raised in Switzerland, Daniel Pauly studied in Germany, where he acquired a doctorate in fisheries biology in 1979, from the University of Kiel. After his Ph.D., Pauly worked for 15 years at the International Center for Living and Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), in Manila, Philippines.
In 1994, Dr. Pauly became a Professor at the University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre (now Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries) and was its Director from 2003 to 2008. In 1999, Daniel Pauly founded, and since leads, a large research initiative devoted to identifying and quantifying global fisheries trends, called the Sea Around Us. He is also the co-founder of FishBase.org, the online encyclopedia of fish, and he has helped develop the widely used Ecopath modelling software.
In February 2023, Pauly was the co-recipient of the 2023 Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, with Rashid Sumaila. The award has been described as the “Nobel Prize for the Environment”.
Dr Yvonne SADOVY (Moderator)
Yvonne has been a marine biologist for over 40 years and in Hong Kong for 30 years. She was a Professor at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Biological Sciences and Swire Institute of Marine Science. Before 1993 she worked in Puerto Rico, Caribbean, as Director of the government Fishery Laboratory. Her focus is coral reef fishes and fisheries. Here particular interest focuses on reproductive biology and on the interactions between species' life history and exploitation patterns and the implications of these for managing fisheries. She also works to conserve fish species that are particularly vulnerable to overexploitation to find solutions to preserving the remarkable biodiversity of reef ecosystems. She works in the field and engages with traders, government and fishers in both source and destination countries with the aim of regulating seafood so that it is traded legally and sustainably.
The professor also finds time to co-chair the IUCN (World Conservation Union) Specialist Group for Groupers & Wrasses, which she founded. She is currently a director of Science and Conservation of Reef Fish Aggregations, which she co-founded.
Recent and ongoing research includes conservation and sustainable management of the Napoleon fish (So Mei), and the management and protection of grouper spawning aggregations.