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Special Exhibtions (Top)

Special Programmes


Gifted Education Programme: Maritime History and Curating

The Maritime History and Curating Programme commenced in July 2021. 30 gifted students engaged in an intensive lecture programme and practicum. Through the lectures, students learnt topics in underwater archaeology, maritime trade and history in Asia and the world, and sharpened skills in research, curating and academic writing. Starting from September 2021, the students were divided to 10 groups. They got hands-on with curating their exhibitions, developed ancient ship models using 3D printing and put together docent scripts.


The Student Work Exhibition and Curating Competition (舟遊亙古) was successfully held on 30th to 31st December 2021 at the Museum’s Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery. 10 ship models produced with 3D printing were displayed and students provided docent service to visitors, highlighting the parts of different ships and their functions. Besides, interactive games and souvenirs designed by the students attracted a large number of participants who had fully enjoyed the experience.


We would like to thank the Education Bureau Gifted Education Fund for the funding support to the Maritime History and Curating Programme. We would also like to thank our advisors, guest speakers, fellow participating schools’ representatives and everyone who had visited the The  Student Work Exhibition (舟遊亙古) which drew the Programme to a perfect end. You can also watch the long version by this link:

Ship Models Created by the Students


Winners of the Most Popular Exhibition Corner were voted for by the public. There were also 6 other award categories, including Outstanding Research Paper, Outstanding Ship Model, Outstanding Exhibition Corner, Professional Jury Prize, Primary Jury Prize and Outstanding Cooperation. The list of winners is as follows:


Congratulations to all winning teams and students!

Organised by the Education Bureau, a webinar “Gifted Student Programme by Hong Kong Maritime Museum - Explore the ancient maritime trade and nurture positive value by the means of curating training” for local Chinese History and History teachers was conducted on 7 Mar. After the opening speech by Museum Director Prof. Joost Schokkenbroek, Prof. Joseph Ting Sun Pao and Dr. Leung Cho Nga were invited to deliver the talks. Gifted student who participanted in the programme have also shared their learning process and outcomes in the talk.

Off-school Advanced Learning Programme (2022/23 school year): “Hong Kong Marine Ecology Programme for Gifted Students” (Funded by Gifted Education Fund)

Student Sharing
Gifted - MHNC
Gifted - MS
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