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Hong Kong Maritime Week 2021: Free Family Fun Day

Hong Kong Maritime Week 2021: Free Family Fun Day
Hong Kong Maritime Week 2021: Free Family Fun Day

Time & Location

31 Oct 2021, 10:00 – 19:00

Hong Kong Maritime Museum

About the Event

Together with the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board and the Hong Kong Shipowners Association, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum is the co-organiser of the fifth Hong Kong Maritime Week. In partnership with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and InvestHK, a week of maritime activities in physical, online and hybrid formats will be held from 31 October to 6 November 2021. Through the activities, we hope to unite and showcase the Hong Kong maritime industry as a strong cluster, raise the community’s awareness of the economic contributions of Hong Kong’s maritime and port industries, and promote Hong Kong as a preferred base for operating maritime business.

On 31 October 2021, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum offers free admission to the public. A series of family fun activities will be presented, including storytelling with Choi EE, screening of maritime-themed animated movies, photobooth with the programme mascot Captain Shiba, activity worksheets for children, souvenir etc. Educational activities such as docent tours, special exhibition and a tour on a tugboat will also be offered. Registration is required for some of the activities, please note in the details below.

Due to the impact of COVID-19, the museum will implement admission quota and special precautionary measures to help ensure public safety.

Advanced Registration Required


1. Hong Kong Maritime Week X Choi EE Storytelling

Location: C Deck, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Session 1: 11:30-12:15

Session 2: 12:30-13:15

Each session is limited to 25 participants. Online registration required in advanced.

Join Choi EE’s storytelling sessions to find out about how fun museum exhibitions can be. Through this activity, children and families can discover how maritime history, culture and heritage are connected to our daily life.

(Fully Booked)

This activity is sponsored by the Swire Group Charitable Trust.

2. All Aboard on the Tugboat

Location: Central Pier No. 9 (Registered participants are required to gather and sign in at the museum front desk on the day)

5 sessions of 30 minutes each. Each session is limited to 15 participants. Online registration required in advanced.







Join the guided tour by seafarers to visit the HUD Group’s newest multipurpose tugboat Sung Kong. Get a glimpse of the deck, the engine room, crew’s quarters and the galley.

All participants should be vaccinated with at least one jab and wear their face masks when onboard the tug.

(Fully Booked)

This activity is supported by the HUD Group.

No Registration Required. Join on the Day:


1. Family Fun Time with Animated Movies

Location: Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery, Hong Kong Maritime Museum


Finding Nemo (96 minutes) – 10:30

Finding Dory (100 minutes) – 14:00

Moana (107 minutes) – 16:00

Coming soon to the HKMM are threeinspiring and captivating animated movies – Disney’s Finding Nemo, Finding Dory and Moana. These movies cover topics on marine conversation, its close relationship with humans, ships, and the ocean, along with maritime history.

*Movies are in English with Chinese subtitles.

2. Special Exhibition: The Glory Seamen – The 100th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Seamen's Union

Location: Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

This exhibition introduces the history of Hong Kong Seamen's Union since its establishment in 1921 by highlighting some significant facts and events of the past. Learn more about the work and lives of the seafarers in Hong Kong at this exhibition.

3. Photobooth with Captain Shiba

Location: Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Capture the joyful and memorable moments of the Hong Kong Maritime Week 2021 together with our mascot Captain Shiba.

4. Guided Tours by Seafarers

Location: Front desk, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Session 1 (Cantonese / English): 14:00 - 15:00

Session 2 (Cantonese): 16:00 - 17:00

Join us in the guided tours of the museum led by docents who are professional seafarers.

*Each session is limited to seven participants. Spots are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.

5. Sailor-Made: Manifestations of Nautical Fashion in Hong Kong Culture

Location: A Deck and B Deck, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

With a selection of historical images, uniform, and costume exhibits, Sailor-Made showcases how nautical clothing has been adopted, appropriated, and reflected in mainstream fashions and global pop culture. From Royal dress code in the United Kingdom back in the 19th century, to prominent designer fashion brands, the trend for sailors’ fashion has until now remain relevant. More so, nautical fashion influenced school uniforms in East Asia from the 1920s and onwards alongside popular culture and entertainment industries in Hong Kong and beyond, such as animations like Sailor Moon sparking off the subculture of “cosplay” in Japan and East Asia. Sailor chic still has much to inspire contemporary fashion and day-to-day wear.

In association with the School of Humanities, The University of Hong Kong, this is also the fruition of a museum-university partnership, with undergraduate interns' participation to present the exhibition.

For details: 

6. Seafarers Exploration Worksheet

Location: Collect at museum front desk

Worksheets are provided to children for a fun journey around the museum to learn more about maritime history, culture and heritage.

* Worksheets are distributed at the museum front desk.

7. Hong Kong Maritime Week Orienteering Race 2021 by Hong Kong Seamen’s Union

Hong Kong Maritime Museum is one of the supporting organisations for Hong Kong Maritime Week Orienteering Race 2021.

For details:

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