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Symposiums and Conferences

Interdisciplinary Symposium on Early Sino-American Maritime Trade

Sino-American trade has been a hot topic in recent times. To facilitate further research, encourage deeper discussion and study into the field of early Sino-American maritime trade (i.e. 1784-1900), and allow closer examination on how this mutually beneficial relationship contributes significantly to global economic and cultural growth today, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum will collaborate with the Asia Society Hong Kong Center on a joint symposium on 13th April 2019. The symposium will cover a wide range of multidisciplinary topics including commerce, economics, technology, policy, diplomacy, and arts and culture from the eighteenth to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It will bring together leading professionals, academics and curators from the United States, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau.

Date: 13 April2019 (Saturday)

Time: 9:30am – 6:00pm

Venue: Asia Society Hong Kong Center

Register online at

Hong Kong Maritime Museum 

Asia Society Hong Kong


Following the Manila programme (14th to 17th October), a Hong Kong Symposium will be held from 19th to 20th October, with 18th October as the travelling day.

The co-hosts, Hong Kong Maritime Museum and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library have organised a 2-day programme, supported by Jonathan Wattis, IMCOS Representative for Hong Kong and Director, Wattis Fine Art.

Themed “Cultural Encounters in Maps of China”, the organisers have assembled a group of speakers comprising distinguished academics and prominent collectors from the region and overseas, including Dr. Richard A. Pegg, Director and Curator of Asian Art, MacLean Collection, Chicago, Dr. Mario Cams from the University of Macau, and Dr. Gordian Gaeta from Dubai.

A special map and chart exhibition, specially curated by Mr. K.L. Tam (Board member, Hong Kong Maritime Museum) is presented.


Hong Kong Maritime Museum

International Map Collectors Society

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library

Wattis Fine Art

The 36th International IMCOS Symposium 2018 in Manila

Piracy, Trade and Economy on the South China Sea – Symposium and Public Lecture

The Piracy,Trade and Economy on the South China Sea– Symposium and Public Lecture will be held in mid-June, at Hong Kong Maritime Museum. This event is organised inassociation with the special exhibition, Pirates of the South China Sea: Chasing Cheung Po Tsai and Port Cities.

Date: 17 June 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 09:00 am – 05:00pm
Venue: Special Exhibition and Events Gallery, Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Topics and Speakers: 


The South-East China Coast Investigation Commission of 1930: Reflections on smuggling and piracy from an intrepid Customs Officer

BRUNERO, Donna Maree

Department of History, National University of Singapore 新加坡國立大學歷史系



CHEN Yu-hsiang 陳鈺祥

Department of History, National Cheng Kung University 國立成功大學歷史學研究所


From Pirate to Maritime Lord: The Zheng Maritime Family Re-examined

James K. CHIN 錢江

Jinan University 暨南大學



CHOU, Wei-chiang 周維強

Department of Rare Books and Historical Document, National Palace Museum



From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean: Muslim Corsairs and the Ottoman Navy in the Fifteenth and the Sixteenth Centuries

FUNG Kam Wing 馮錦榮

School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學中文學院


Free Market, Natural Disasters, Climate Change, and the Wokou 倭寇 in Yuan China


MA Guang 馬光

Department of History, Shandong University 山東大學歷史文化學院



Billy TANG 鄧家宙

Society of Hong Kong History 香港史學會



TANG Kai Jian 湯開建

Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau




ZHANG Ya Juan 張雅娟

School of Humanity, Zhejiang Gongshang University 浙江工商大學人文學院


A Study on the Occurrence and Evolution of Shandong Pirates in Ming Dynasty

ZHAO Hong Juan 趙洪娟

Shandong University 山東大學



ZHOU Yun Zhong 周運中

Department of History, Xiamen University 廈門大學歷史系


The Symposium and Public Lecture will be conducted in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. 

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