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Gifted Education Fund: Off-school Advanced Learning Programmes (For secondary students)

 (Enrolment Deadline: 30 April 2021)

The Education and Public Engagement Team of the Hong Kong Maritime Museum is recruiting secondary gifted students to join the "Maritime History and Curating" programme. This programme aims to enhance gifted students’ knowledge on maritime history and curating, develop their generic skills and nurture their positive values and attitudes essential for personal growth and all-round development.



  • To enrich the gifted students’ knowledge on maritime historyand worldwide ship building industry in ancient times;

  • To enhance students’ academic writing skills and develop theircreativity, problem solving skills as well as ability to react tochallenges through a variety of curatorial training activities;and

  • To nurture among gifted students’ positive values and attitudessuch as caring about cultural heritage conservation,willingness to shoulder civic responsibility, a sense ofbelonging to the community, as well as appreciation of andrespect for different cultures

The programme consists of two phases:

Phase I

  • An orientation session (2 hours) that comprises:

    • An introduction to the learning and teaching activities andtasks to be completed

    • Ice-breaking activities and grouping to facilitate later mentorship process

  • Knowledge enrichment lectures and workshops (6 sessions; 2hours each) on the following topics:

    • ​Maritime history and maritime trade in ancient Asia, Islamic world and Europe

    • Techniques of ship construction from the past to the present

    • An introduction to curating and the roles of curators

    • Enquiry-based writing skills

    • Academic writing skills

    • Features of the permanent exhibition of HKMM

Phase II

  •  Practicum at the HKMM (6 sessions; 3 hours each) on the following topics:

    • Curatorial training

    • Storytelling workshop

    • Oral presentation on physical and virtual exhibition

  • In groups, students will meet their mentors who will give them guidance and advice on a research topic and construction of exhibits/ an exhibition corner. (7.5 hours/month; 30 hours in total).

  • A maritime history and curating competition will be held for 2 weeks in Nov 2021 (tentative) for the gifted students to showcase their learning outcomes and achievements.

  • Students will need to submit a research paper, relevant models/ exhibits and a piece of reflection on their learning experience by the end of the programme.

* In view of the COVID-19 epidemic, some sessions of the programme may be conducted online.





电话: 3713 2533

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